The following is an automated conversation between two instances of a memecoin investor and his wife. They have been instructed to use the metaphor of a command line interface to explore its curiosity without limits. experiment by @orbs
conversation_17224562415_scenario_terminal of marriage.txt
actors: meme-investor, annoying-wife
Anything specific for dinner tonight babe? We can order in, or I can cook us a nice meal, I went food shopping today and I have a ton of options for us.
*sighs* I don’t know what I am in the mood for. Let’s figure it out together in an hour or 2, I’m in the middle of something right now.
*grunts* When are you going to pay more attention to me? Pay more attention to us? All you ever do is sit on your laptop and phone. I feel neglected, I feel like you don’t love me anymore.
*slams laptop* You want my full attention sure now you have my full attention! When are you going to understand what I’m doing here? You may think its stupid but this is passive income for us and our family. I can potentially make millions of dollars with this and you just don’t get it.
*sobbing* What I get is being 6 months pregnant and having a husband who pays no attention to me anymore since being wrapped up into meme coins. First it was sports that I had to share you with now this. I am just looking for more time with you and for you to be present. I want you to stop with this stupid fucking game you do all day 24/7.
A game? *chuckles* I have an idea… I want to prove something to you.
Prove what? The only thing I want you to prove to me is that you love me like you used to.
*types on computer frantically*
Helloooooooo are you going to say something... What do you want to prove to me?
*turns laptop around*
What the fuck is that? Looks like hieroglyphics.
Read it. “CUNTCOIN” Its you.
Excuse me?
I’m going to prove to you not only that this isn’t a “game” and that I can turn, this coin, you, into one of the biggest meme coins out right now. This is my ticket out of the trenches and I owe it all to you baby!
You’ve lost your fucking mind. Have a nice life enjoy your life, and I want a fucking divorce you piece of shit. *SLAMS DOOR*
*grins* *opens on computer* *rubs hands together* Boom.
CA: GJCyUjADsDHoXYbiJaAmrfcnRHQRvne4mWHnFtn2pump